How to Handle a Steam Player

Steam players are those guys that we love to hate, they are an infliction on business and then out of nowhere, they are a business boon. The problem is knowing what to do with them, knowing how to handle them and knowing whether or not to go the “extra mile” with them.

It’s often said, “if someone asks for your shirt give him your coat as well”.

Here is the problem with the above statement, we are talking about the bookie business, not a soup kitchen! This is not a charitable cause, we are not saving lives and we are not “giving back”. We are in this business to profit and to profit big. As much as we need our clients, we also need their money, or we will be on the outside looking in, and we will be the ones in the soup kitchen line!

To make the task of spotting them easier get the help of a great Bookie Software.

Let’s not be dramatic, there are solutions…

What is a steam player?

  • A steam player has been duly named a “steam player” because they are winning more than 54% of the time. A player must win between 52-54% of the time in order to beat the juice.
  • If a player is consistently beating the juice, then they are consistently beating you.
  • Steam players usually focus on one sport and in order for a player to consistently stay at “steam player level” they usually concentrate on one sport, possibly two.
  • Steam players usually play baseball or the horses, sometimes football.
  • Steam players are individuals or groups of individuals that will often show up as a new player, they often have inside information or they are simply a great handicapper.

How to identify a steam player?

  • As said above, steam players are usually new players. Very seldom does a longtime client suddenly become a steam player, however, it can happen.

* A player can become a “steam player” out of nowhere, so always keep a watchful eye on the existing players that you have. The warning signs are when an average player suddenly starts winning and winning consistently and playing larger amounts than normal. *

  • Most generally, you will recognize a steam player by their betting habits. They usually show up out of nowhere but can also be announced. You may have friends in the business that send you a player because they want to get rid of them or the player may simply be a new client and they come in with a bang, beating you big.
  • Steam players do not always win big, what makes them a steam player is the fact that they are winning and winning consistently. They may be beating you for $10 a game, but they are beating you every game! That’s a steam player.

How to deal with a steam player when you get the report of one…

There are a couple of ways that you found out you have a steam player as a client. One, they came to you by referral, two, you see unusual betting behavior/activity in a report.

  • If they are beating the pants off of you, stop the bleeding.
  • Be honest with them. Tell them you love their business, but you need to limit their betting activity.

Qualify New Players

  • You must qualify new players, if you are not doing this, then expect to go broke very soon!
  • If a new player deposits $500 and they immediately play $500 on one game or event, they could be a steam player, they could also be a degenerate gambler that has no idea how to call a game and they simply want the action. You need these people, you thrive on these people.
  • *Qualifying means setting limits…
  • Set limits from the beginning. Ask a new player how much they play on average per event and set that as a limit. Do not take no for an answer. Remember, this is “loss prevention”. You are protecting your assets.

Adjust the lines and odds for a steam player, make them not want to play with you, this is a way to root them out nicely. This is a way around kicking them out.

Steam players will usually come in and hit you with a flurry of winning bets and they will often be fairly large. Let them win a few but then limit their activity. You are in this business to make money. It will always be better to have a few players that deposit small and lose, than to have players that deposit big and win. It’s great to see the money coming flying in, but not so great to see the money go flying out. There are times in life, and especially in this business, when you simply must part ways. If the player does not want to play by your rules, then you must part ways.